Remarkable Food Sources of Omega-3’s

Omega-3’s are essential fatty acids, which means we have to get them from the food we eat. Omega-3’s can help lower both cholesterol and blood pressure, are anti-inflammatory and promote immunity as well as aiding brain function, joint health and mood. There are some excellent food sources of Omega-3’s and you should include these in your diet. However, most of us do not eat enough of them, so we recommend taking an Omega-3 supplement

Wild Salmon

You know this one already. But do note that we’re talking about the wild caught, not the farmed fish. Fish in the wild eat a varied diet full of algae – and these sea plants are the source of Omega-3 in fish. 


Walnuts look like little brains and contain lots of omega-3’s which is essential for our brain to function well. Snack on a few walnuts, add them to your salads (they are delicious combined with roasted beets!) or try a walnut pesto.

Fish Oil

. Cod liver is high in Omega-3’s and cod liver oil is one of the oldest super foods around. So, even if you don’t eat fish liver on a regular  try taking a supplement to get some of the same benefits.

Chia Seeds

These tiny little seeds sure pack a lot of nutrition for their size. In fact, they are the biggest source of plant based Omega-3’s. They are also high in fiber, which keeps you feeling full and regular. 

Grass Fed Meat

Just like with fish, the omega-3’s in Grass fed beef comes from the green grass they’re eating. There’s 2 to 5 times as much omega-3’s in grass fed beef vs. grain fed – another great argument for making that switch.