How to Fit Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

Exercising can often feel like the last priority in our hugely overburdened schedules. An hour to run? On many days that sounds totally daunting. But the truth is even starting out with 10 minutes of exercise a day is great. Instead of investing time, invest your INTENTION.

Here are some of my favorite tips to fit exercise in every day:

1. Plank Pose

Work your core by adding a plank pose to your morning and evening routine. This will tone your abdominal muscles while strengthening the arms and spine. Start by holding the pose for 5 breaths, and then work up to 30 seconds or a minute. These can be done anywhere, anytime!

2. Power Walk

If you take the subway to work, get off one stop early and take a brisk power walk to reach the office. Every step counts!

3. Rent a Bike

Ditch the subway and rent a CITI bike to power your way to your next meeting.

4. Take a “Working” Lunch

Many gyms and yoga studios offer “express” exercise classes at lunchtime, so you can get in, break a sweat, and get back to your desk in no time.

5. Download your Workout

My favorite is the Nike Pro app – it’s free and offers tons of great workouts right on your phone.

6. Meet for Zumba Instead of Drinks

Bring your after-work socializing to the gym, yoga studio or a dance class instead of happy hour. This is a fun way to connect with friends – and you can always grab a bite after.

7. Be a Weekend Warrior

Weekends can be a great time to get outside and enjoy nature. Go to the park, or hop on a train to get out of the city and find some new hiking trails to explore. Just a short train ride out of New York City, there are tons of trails ranging from short and light to long and difficult.

There are endless ways to keep active even if you’re pressed for time, so no more excuses! Get moving!