Of all the gifts life has to offer, motherhood is a precious one. The decision to conceive is surely a time of joy and excitement. It is also a time of dramatic change. A mother’s body endures numerous changes including hormonal, physical, emotional, and musculoskeletal changes.

Chiropractic care provides support through all of these changes. By introducing effective and gentle methods to reduce pain and discomfort, Chiropractic keeps mom and baby happy during pregnancy.

Benefits to Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy:

 1. Low Back Pain Relief.

Pregnancy and Spinal Alignment

Fifty percent of pregnant women report low back pain. As a Chiropractor, we seek to treat the origin of complaints, not just symptomatology. Postural changes create new tension and stress on the spine. As the belly grows to support the newborn, the low back curvature (lordosis) increases, causing the pelvis to rotate anteriorly (5). This increases stress and loads the posterior elements of the spine with more weight and compression. As a result, pain can be felt locally in the low back or may refer sciatic pain down the leg. The increased lordosis also causes shortening and tightening of the supporting low back musculature. This causes the low back to ache and fatigue easily. All these changes cause misalignments in the spine which further contribute to pain.

Regular Chiropractic adjustments restore proper alignment and reduce unnecessary stress and compression on the spine.

2. Pelvic Alignment to Properly Position Your Baby

Uterine Positioning and Pelvic Alignment

The mobility and alignment of the pelvis allows the baby to relax into its proper position. If there is excess stress in the pelvis, the baby may go into a breech position and greatly compromise a healthy delivery.

The Webster technique was developed by Larry Webster to restore pelvic alignment and reduce stress on the round ligament to comfortably support the womb. This technique allows expecting mothers to comfortably lay face-down by using a special table or pregnancy pillow. The pelvis is then adjusted back into proper alignment and the tension in the round ligament is released (5). Once in balance, the pelvic floor muscles relax and the baby is free to move down towards the pelvic outlet. This approach puts no direct pressure or manipulation on the baby. If unexpected problems arise, and a  natural childbirth is in your plan, this technique is a highly effective and safe option.

3. Reduced Labor Difficulty and Delivery Time

Peripheral and autonomic nerves travel in the spinal cord and exit the spine at each vertebral segment through intervertebral foramen. Keeping the segments of the spine in alignment are important to eliminate pressure and irritation on the exiting nerves so they can freely travel to their destination and deliver neural impulses without interference (4). The autonomic nerves that transmit pain during the first stage of labor exit from the 10th, 11th, and 12th thoracic vertebrae as well as the 1st lumbar vertebrae. During the second stage of labor, pain is transmitted through the pudendal nerve roots exiting the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sacral foramen (3). Reducing the stress on these structures greatly eliminates irritation that may lead to an increased sensation of pain during delivery helping you through a drug-free delivery.

Anatomy of Pregnancy

In a study done by Diakow et al. (1991), 400 pregnant women were evaluated for the therapeutic effects of chiropractic manipulation on low back pain during pregnancy and delivery. It was found that 84% of women with chiropractic treatment reported relief of back pain during labor and 80% felt they required less medical intervention. The labor time was decreased by 24% in the primigravida group and decreased by 30% in the multigravida compared to those without Chiropractic care (1). Another extensive longitudinal cohort study was performed by Joan Fallon comparing her clinical findings of the duration of labor on patients with and without chiropractic care. The results were astonishing! Primigravida patients without chiropractic care were in labor for an average of 14 hours whereas those under chiropractic care were in labor for an average of 8 hours. Multigravida women without chiropractic care were in labor an average of 9 hours whereas those under chiropractic care were in labor for an average of 4-5 hours (2).

A healthy nervous system aids in a safe and smooth delivery.

4. Relief of Neck Pain and Labored Breathing

Postural changes not only affect the low back. They affect the entire spine into the mid-back and neck. The weight of the baby bump can cause a slouching of the shoulders bringing the upper back and neck into a flexed position. This forward slouching puts pressure on the rib cage and inhibits proper lung expansion making it difficult to breathe. It also increases pressure on the stomach and digestive organs leading to indigestion and reflux. This chronic state of flexion causes the musculature to tighten and fatigue easily. Chiropractic adjustments in the upper back and neck restore the motion it lacks and alleviates pressure and irritation. The muscles can then lengthen and relax providing relief from pain and allow the nerves to communicate properly.

5. Postnatal Maintenance

Labor and Delivery are extremely demanding on your nervous and musculoskeletal system. Joints that had increased laxity during pregnancy due to hormonal changes will now begin to reform to their natural state. For a quicker recovery, it is helpful to restore the mothers’ spine into alignment. A proper aligned spine allows the nerves to communicate efficiently to all parts of the body sending nourishment and restoring homeostasis. This will prevent future pain and create a stable lattice for healing so you can feel your best with your new bundle of joy.

Chiropractic care will give your body the tools it needs to restore its innate essence and balance. This vital force will lead you to foster a healthy and happy baby. Whether you’re a first time chiropractic patient or a returning patient, you’ll surely feel the difference wherever your journey leads.