As you continue to enjoy the warm summer days, I want to make sure you are supporting your healthiest and happiest self!  

 Eat Local Produce

There is an abundance of beautiful vegetables and fruits this time of year, and your farmers’ market can be a great place to both find all your favorites and learn about new local goodies!  Don’t forget to ask your farmer about their growing practices — even though they might not be officially certified organic, many vendors follow organic farming practices.

 Avoid Summer Crap

The summer months are often filled with BBQs, picnics, trips to the beach and other warm weather festivities.  And although these social events are wonderful opportunities to connect with friends and family, they are often accompanied by foods that aren’t so wonderful for your health. Instead of leaving it up to chance, bring your own healthy dish so you know for certain there will be something for you to eat.

 Keep Your Microbiome Happy

The health of our gut determines the health of our body, and although this tip is one you want to practice all year long, we encourage you to consider the ways you can support a happy, healthy gut during the summer months. One of the key ways to do this is to maintain a healthy microbiome. Eating an abundance of fermented foods, leafy greens, and fresh produce is a great way to keep your microbial ecosystem balanced. Additionally, avoiding processed foods, sugars and antibiotics (unless necessary) will help keep your good bacteria flourishing.

 Eat More Healthy Fats

We love our healthy fats, and that doesn’t change during the warm, summer months! Good fats are necessary for brain function, hormone balance, maintaining a healthy weight and to keep you feeling satiated! Some of our summer favorites are guacamole, chia seed pudding, cooking with coconut oil and grilling high-quality animal proteins.

 Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Now is the time to take advantage of the weather and get outside! Whether you go for a walk, a hike or a run, or take part in a fun outdoor exercise class, this is the time of year to spend as much time outdoors as you can. Not only does it feel great to breathe the fresh air, but you also benefit from getting natural vitamin D from the sunshine.

 Manage Your Stress

Summer might be the time for vacations and relaxation, but stress is something we can’t fully escape. Instead of trying to run from stressful events and situations, we suggest you learn how to better adapt and recover from stressors in your life. Regular spinal adjustments and more outdoor activities are one of our favorite tools to help the body become less reactive to the inevitable stresses that life brings.

 Make Time for Rest and Restoration

Summer can be a whirlwind of social engagements, but we want to remind you to make time for some rest and restoration during these busy months. Creating a solid sleep routine, carving time out of your schedule for “downtime” and setting healthy boundaries are some simple ways for you to balance summer fun with the rest and relaxation your body craves.

 Say No to NSAIDS

Over-the-counter painkillers are overused, and unfortunately, they have side effects on our body that can create long-term subluxations, spinal imbalance and dis-ease. NSAIDS in particular have been linked to compromising the beneficial bacteria that live in our guts along with contributing to leaky gut. Instead of reaching for this quick fix for aches and pains, try going for a chiropractic adjustment, taking a hot bath, utilizing magnesium, and stretching your body.

 Make Time for Things You Love

Summer is about enjoying yourself, and we strongly encourage you to make time for things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Spend time with loved ones, travel, go see live music, spend time in nature, or do whatever it is that makes you feel nourished!

 Don’t forget to drink water and stay hydrated! It is hot and humid this time of year, so replenishing yourself with filtered water is a great way to keep your body energized, balanced and functioning properly.