EAT REAL FOOD: Eat a variety of whole, fresh foods — and avoid packaged and processed foods as much as possible. Portion control and behavior modification such as not eating late at night are key to avoid gaining weight

MOVE YOUR BODY: Stay physically active, exercise and get regular chiropractic spinal adjustments. Find an activity you love — walking, gardening, weightlifting, yoga, swimming, running, dancing — and incorporate it into your daily routine along with spinal hygiene.

GET QUALITY SLEEP: Get adequate, restful sleep — between 7 and 8 hours. Not getting enough quality sleep can wreak havoc on your nervous system because it’s the time our bodies are devoted to hormone regulation, muscle repair, memory consolidation and so much more.

MANAGE YOUR STRESS: Take quiet time for yourself daily, and if you can, develop a meditation and / or restorative yoga practice to help you to manage stress.

SUPPLEMENT WISELY: Fortify yourself against environmental contaminants, depleted food sources, and the effects of stress on your body by supplementing with nutrients that are hard to obtain through diet alone.

LIGHTEN YOUR TOXIC LOAD: In addition to eating clean, choosing chemical-free household and personal care products can minimize your exposure to toxins.

MAINTAIN CONNECTIONS: Find meaning in your life and build and maintain your connections to others.